Sweet Journey with Chinese Herbs


Poster with QR Code.jpg

Time | 时间: 2018/9/8, 3-6 pm

Location | 地点: Fou Gallery, 410 Jefferson Avenue, #1, Brooklyn, NY 11221

Ticket | 费用:  $35 (online RSVP,  limit to 30 people 线上预约,  限定30人)                                       预约链接 RSVP

When fall is coming, we’ll expect the fifthteen of the 24 Solar Terms - Bailu (White Dew) on September 8th. Fou Gallery is delighted to invite chef Yuan Wang to design a special afternoon tea and dessert journey with Chinese herbs,  inspired by our current exhibition Liu Chang: The Light of Small Things. For this collaboration, in tandem with the theme of 24 Solar Terms and Chinese medicine, Yuan Wang will host a short tasting menu that responds to the exhibition, exploring the theme of early fall.

Audiovisual installation Cabinets: Chinese Medicine looks like a traditional Chinese medicine cabinet. In the video, different drawers will open to reveal the traditional Chinese medicine contained. In the work, Liu Chang chose an open interpretation for the audience:"Chinese medicine is a very interesting and mysterious subject. In addition to science, knowledge, one also needs experience and belief to understand it. A prescription of Chinese medicine not only includes various types of herbs but also implies inexplicable belief or prayer. This is a system mixed with convergence and confusion, similar to the way how people practice Tai Chi."

In the special menu, Yuan Wang blended Chinese herbs (rhubarb, yam, and herbs) into Western-style and Japanese-style cuisines, such as cheesecake, jelly and sticky rice mochi. while in the choice of special drinks are inspired by Chinese herbal tea, an age old tradition in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hong Kong and Macau to repel internal humidity and heat. Both the chef Yuan Wang and the artist Liu Chang have experiences living in China and in United States, and this special event reflects their exploration in the profound differences between the eastern and western culture. You can walk through the exhibition, appreciate the artworks while trying the small plates and drinks created by the chef.

Together with Liu and Yuan, we get to enjoy a flavorful and inspiring experience that brings art into life.

Menu | 菜单

3 Course Desserts

  • Purple Sweet Potato Cheesecake with Rhubarb Sauce

  • Sparkling Rose in Nagaimo Yam

  • Sticky Rice Mochi in Four Flavour of Chinese Herbs: American GinsenG/Mugwort/Chestnut/Red Dates and Goji, Topping with Coconut Shred or Macha

2 Special Drinks

  • Honey Winter Melon with Herbal Jelly

  • Chinese Herbs in Autumn Specialty: Honeysuckle Flower, Lily, Tangerine Peel, Licorice and Astragalus


在展览《刘唱:微物之光》中,刘唱展出了她、苗晶和Jason Hou合作的影像装置《博物柜:中药》。装置犹如一个中药柜,运行过程中不同的抽屉打开,有传统中药浮现。作品营造一个沉浸式的体验空间,观众的视线流连于博物柜中,寻找开启的线索。在整件作品中,刘唱为观众选择了一种开放式的解读方式:“中药是一种很玩味的东西,很神秘,融入很多除了科学,知识,还需要更多经验,能量在内的东西,一个中药老师傅在为你研制一包中草药的时候似乎注入不仅是各类化学的融合,却是一种莫名的相信?祈祷?心理作用?这种融合和混淆是东方人如同打太极般的理解方式。”

在设计本次活动的菜单时,袁望将中草药元素(大黄,山药,草药)融入西式(起司蛋糕, 沙拉)与日式(糯米雪媚娘)的甜品菜式中,而在饮品的选择上以传统中式为主。刘唱则认为中药反映了东西方文化根基中深层次的不同,也是她在中美两国生活经历文化冲击的一个外化。美食与艺术相得益彰。

Menu | 菜单


  • 大黄酱紫薯起司蛋糕

  • 玫瑰山药沙拉

  • 草药口味糯米雪媚娘 - 西洋参/艾草/栗子/红枣枸杞,配椰丝或抹茶


  • 蜂蜜冬瓜茶配仙草

  • 秋季草药特饮: 金银花, 茉莉花, 陈皮, 甘草, 北芪, 苦丁  





Herbal ingredients for the special dessert tasting menu. Photograph by Yuan Wang. 袁望特别测试中草药的甜味之旅菜单,采用中式草药,融入西式和日式的食材。摄影:袁望

Herbal ingredients for the special dessert tasting menu. Photograph by Yuan Wang. 袁望特别测试中草药的甜味之旅菜单,采用中式草药,融入西式和日式的食材。摄影:袁望

Liu Chang, in collaboration with Miao Jing and Jason Hou. Cabinets: Chinese Medicine, 2018. Single-channel audiovisual installation, 1080*1920(W*H), Edition of 5 + 1 AP ©Liu Chang, courtesy Fou Gallery

Liu Chang, in collaboration with Miao Jing and Jason Hou. Cabinets: Chinese Medicine, 2018. Single-channel audiovisual installation, 1080*1920(W*H), Edition of 5 + 1 AP ©Liu Chang, courtesy Fou Gallery

Autumn special drink. 秋季草药特饮。Photograph by Yuan Wang

Autumn special drink. 秋季草药特饮。Photograph by Yuan Wang

Purple Yam Cheesecake. 大黄酱紫薯起司蛋糕。Photograph by Yuan Wang

Purple Yam Cheesecake. 大黄酱紫薯起司蛋糕。Photograph by Yuan Wang

About Chef | 关于主厨


Yuan Wang studied English Literature at Binghamton University. Since she studied abroad at a young age, she believes that food connects her and her hometown in China. She graduated with honor in Pastry and Baking Art and Culinary Management at Institute of Culinary Education in New York. Later she worked in the pastry department of Michelin Three Stars Jean-Georges Restaurant. Her strong community spirit has put her in all kinds of food industry volunteers such as Cookies for Kids' Cancer, The James Beard Foundation, etc. She worked in the Alan Battman Studio, along with over two hundreds famous chefs in the city to publish the cookbook Crossing Borders. Wang was a host speaker of Chinese Cultural Salon Session 121 to give a lecture on ”Undertaken Michelin Culture.” As a world explorer, Wang loves the authenticity of the local food and has travelled to over 30 countries.

袁望大学主修英语,由于从小坚信食物是传递情感的纽带,工作期间又研修了餐饮管理。荣誉毕业于纽约Institute of Culinary Education, Pastry and Baking Art and Culinary Management专业,曾于米其林三星Jean-Georges Restaurants 担任甜品师工作。曾效力于Alan Battman Studio, 协助纽约两百多家星级餐厅厨师出版菜谱《跨越边界》,并参与策划The Chefs Connections慈善活动,担任纽约文化沙龙第一百二十一期主讲人,解密米其林餐厅文化。喜欢探索世界各地的当地美食,足迹遍布三十多个国家六十多个城市。