UNTITLEDdialogue 18 未命题对话:无尽的旅程 Endless Journey

Poster Design: Tianxing Wan 万天星

Poster Design: Tianxing Wan 万天星

Time | 时间: October 7, 2017 (Saturday), 7:00-9:00pm
Location | 地点: Fou Gallery, 410 Jefferson Avenue, #1, Brooklyn, NY11221
Guest Speaker | 嘉宾: Tiger Chengliang Cai 蔡承良
Press contact | 媒体联络: Song Jiawen (1.347.326.1580, pr@fougallery.com)


Fou Gallery is pleased to announce that on October 7th, 2017 (Saturday) 7:00-9:00 pm, the 18th UNTITLEDdialogue will invite artist Tiger Cai to introduce his experimental short films and videos, including Six Dreams About a City (2014), Truth Tower (2013), Twin Paranoramas (2015), and his looping animation series(2015-2017). Six Dreams About a City is a 24-minutes- long single channel short film, which explores many different topics, such as political memories, personal identities or the border between reality and dream. According to Tiger, the film is a response to and evocation of his thoughts and experiences as he lost faith to the Utopia once he knew as a child. The talk will also introduces Tiger’s recent looping animation series since 2015. The motivation for the recent animation series is the concept of “the inescapable, infinite loop of life.” By repeating themselves, these videos don’t have definite beginnings nor endings. The videos evolve endlessly as self-contained ecosystems. Observers’ gazes become a new method of editing. Audience can decide on their own interpretation in an ever-changing environment. However, being observed or not, these videos will be going on forever by themselves, just like the endless labor of Sisyphus. Tiger wants to make a statement through these looping animation: “There will always be a close circle that we, as human, can never break through; it can be history, ideology, destiny, or banality of life. In the end, no one escapes from loops. No one survives from loops."

否画廊很高兴地宣布,我们将于2017年10月7日(星期六) 7:00 pm-9:00 pm举行第18期未命题对话。本次对话将邀请艺术家蔡承良担任主讲人,介绍他的实验电影短片和动画,包括《孤城六梦》(2014),《真理塔》(2013),《双重风景》(2015),和2015年开启的无限循环动画系列。《孤城六梦》(2014)是一部关于梦境,历史,革命,诗歌,以及城市的非叙事实验电影短片,是作者在特定的时间内的个人思索以及知识系谱的总结。描绘了一位被囚禁的白人男子梦境中的东方城市,在城市里,时间和空间,历史和现实之间的关系都是混乱的,而总是有一名神秘的女孩陪伴着他一起穿梭。蔡承良说这部影片反映了他幼时乌托邦的信念破灭后的思考和探索。本片在美国入选多个国际电影节及实验电影展映并获奖。从2015年开始创作的系列无限循环动画系列旨在探索无法逃离的生命循环概念,将剪辑的控制权交给观众。蔡说:“这些动画并没有传统意义上起点和终点,所以每当有观众将目光投降了这些动画,以及当他们最终将目光移开时,人们的注视便完成了一段剪辑。”这些作品表达了蔡对人类命运等终极问题的思考:作为人类,总有某个封闭的循环是我们永远也无法突破的,无论它是历史的循环,意识形态的循环,命运的循环或者只是日常生活本身的循环。最终,没有谁能从循环中幸存。”

Video Playlist 影片列表

Six Dreams about a City  孤城六梦 (实验电影短片) 24’12“
Truth Tower   真理塔 (科幻实验电影短片) 5’
Twin Panoramas  双重风景 (实验影像) 3’
Winnowing Oar  扬谷之桨 (无限循环动画节选) 2’
Argo Voyager  阿尔戈旅行者 (无限循环动画节选) 5’
Tameness  驯熟 (无限循环动画节选) 2’
Sisyphus the Tank Pusher  推坦克的西西弗斯 (无限循环动画节选) 5’
Rise and Fall  升腾与坠落 (无限循环动画节选 单屏版) 6’
Lost hammer  消失的铁锤 (无限循环动画节选) 2’
Tower of sand  砂之塔 (实验动画) 1’

About the Speakers 嘉宾

Tiger Chengliang Cai 蔡承良 (b. 1984, Shanghai) is a visual artist and filmmaker based in both New York City and Shanghai. He was initially trained as an Art Historian, but later devoting himself to fine art practice. His works include video arts, experimental films, photographs, paintings and installations. Through his artwork, Tiger focuses on topics like politics, history, city, revolution, Sci-Fi, also the boundary between dreams and reality, and more important, how individual human deals with all these challenges.


艺术家网站 | Artist Website: http://www.tigerchengliangcai.com/

Tiger Chengliang Cai. Six Dreams About A City, 2014. Experimental Film, 24’12’’.蔡承良. 孤城六梦, 2014. 实验电影短片, 24’12’’.

Tiger Chengliang Cai. Six Dreams About A City, 2014. Experimental Film, 24’12’’.
蔡承良. 孤城六梦, 2014. 实验电影短片, 24’12’’.

Tiger Chengliang Cai. Tameness, 2015. Looping Animation. 蔡承良. 驯熟, 2015. 循环动画.

Tiger Chengliang Cai. Tameness, 2015. Looping Animation. 
蔡承良. 驯熟, 2015. 循环动画.

Tiger Chengliang Cai. Yuri’s Endless Journey, 2016. Looping Animation.蔡承良. 尤里的无尽旅程, 2016. 循环动画.

Tiger Chengliang Cai. Yuri’s Endless Journey, 2016. Looping Animation.
蔡承良. 尤里的无尽旅程, 2016. 循环动画.

The program is made possible by the generous support of Zumin Li and Jianhua Gao.