Moonlight in the Glass - Dessert Tasting Event

明月碧琉璃 - 冬日下午茶品鉴


Time | 时间: 2020.02.15(周六) 3-6 pm 

Location | 地点: Fou Gallery, 410 Jefferson Avenue, #1, Brooklyn, New York, NY 11221

Pastry Chef | 甜品师: Kerry

Artist | 艺术家:Xiaoyun Fan

Program Coordinator | 活动策划人:Jingxin Hu胡竞心

Ticket per Tasting | 与会费用:$40

Maximum number of participants | 人数限额:30

Click to RSVP


Fou Gallery is delighted to invite you to our 3-course dessert tasting party Moonlight on the glass on Saturday. This tasting event is inspired by Meng Du’s glass art in her solo exhibition Embers. Pastry chef Kerry makes use of glass-like materials, such as jelly and ice-cream to create crystal effect in her food. In the meantime, Kerry collaborates with ceramic artist Michele Xiaoyun Fan to “paint” with food on the Ripple Scribble dinnerwares. She uses seasonal food, such as fermented rice wine, sweet osmanthus and pomegranate to evoke a sense of warmth in this cold weather.

纽约 - 否画廊荣幸邀请您参加2月15日(周六)的冬日下午茶活动 “明月碧琉璃”。本次甜品活动受杜蒙个展《烬》启发,利用了啫喱、冰淇淋等与玻璃外形相似的食材创造出玲珑剔透的甜品。同时,甜品师Kerry与陶艺师樊小韵合作,以“涟漪”( Ripple Scribble) 餐具系列为“画布”,利用当季食材,设计让人温暖的冬季美食

The Ripple Scribble series mimics the wavy structure when a stone is thrown into water. As Chinese saying goes, “One stone can create thousands of waves,” a small action may result in unexpectedly large-scale effects. This uncontrollable status could be chaotic and unforeseen, which is the status quo of the impermanent nature of the world. The artist wants to capture the impermanence with the flowing and expressive patterns on the works. All the pieces are stoneware coated with food safe glaze and fired at 2232 °F.


Tasting Menu 赏味菜单

Menu Graphic Design: Jingxin Hu

Menu Graphic Design: Jingxin Hu

1.“DoDo Pumpkin” Butternut Squash And Chestnut Tartle

Pumpkin & Chestnut

“南瓜豆豆” 南瓜栗子挞

南瓜 & 栗子

Dessert inspired by Meng Du: Flashback Recall

Dessert inspired by Meng Du: Flashback Recall

2. Blooming Flowers and Full Moon

Sweet Fermented Rice Ice-cream with Sweet Osmanthus Jelly and Mochi


酒酿冰淇淋, 桂花果冻, 小汤圆

Dessert inspired by Meng Du: Drop1

Dessert inspired by Meng Du: Drop1

3. Agate Chocolate Brownie with Strawberry Mousse and Pomegranate Jelly



Drink: Passionfruit Peach Loose Leaf Tea

orange pekoe black tea, marigold, orange blossom, passionfruit peach flavor



Chef: Kerry Guo

As an accountant at work while a cook at home, Doudou is a part time professional food lover! Born in Yunnan China, where food varies between towns for geographic varieties, Doudou got good capacity for food, and the reason why she chose to stay in New York. Doudou finished program at the Institute of Culinary Education, and worked at the kitchen of Eleven Madison Park for a while. Now she makes food for fun and aims to present food with her personality and experience. 

Ceramic Artist: Michele Xiaoyuan Fan

Michele Xiaoyun Fan studied photography and art history in the U.S. She has worked at major art institutions, such as Christie’s Auction House and Cai Guo-Qiang Studio. In 2015, she established her brand Atelier F Ceramics in New York City. Her works embody simplicity and grace and carry her hope of bringing some kindness and serendipity to life through clay, a humble material.



自诩为业余的专业美食爱好者,对食物的强烈探索和包容源自故乡云南,也是目前生活在纽约的一大因素。在美国烹饪教育学院玩过,不才进入Eleven Madison Park餐厅小试牛刀,现在安于做个小会计,副业在家鼓捣食物,希望和大家分享带有逗逗元素的美味。

樊小韵在美国学习摄影和艺术史,曾在佳士得拍卖行、 蔡国强工作室等艺术机构工作,后与陶瓷结缘,2015年在纽约创立品牌Atelier F Ceramics。她的作品朴素而精致,希望通过泥土的这个谦逊材料给生活带来一些温暖和随意。

Meng Du: Embers installation view, photograph by Nadia Peichao Lin ©Meng Du, courtesy Fou Gallery

Meng Du: Embers installation view, photograph by Nadia Peichao Lin ©Meng Du, courtesy Fou Gallery