Plein Air Watercolor Workshop



Time: Saturday, 9th October 2021, 12 pm–6 pm (Alternative date in case of rain: Sunday, 10th October 2021, 12 pm- 6 pm)

Location: Fou Gallery, 410 Jefferson Ave, #1, Brooklyn, NY 11221

Artist: Michael Eade

Event Coordinator:  Qi Zhang

Capacity: 15

Materials (encouraged to bring):  watercolor brushes, pencils, sketching pads, watercolor paper, and other watercolor painting and drawing tools

Workshop process: Demonstration, Painting session, critic discussion, and Q&A

活动时间: 10月9日,星期六,中午12点至下午6点  (如遇下雨等天气原因,活动时间延至10月10号,星期天,中午12点至下午6点)

活动地址 :否画廊, 410 Jefferson Ave, #1, Brooklyn, NY 11221

艺术家: 迈克尔·伊德(Michael Eade)

活动策划:  张琦

活动人数: 15

材料 (推荐携带): 水彩画笔, 铅笔, 画板/素描本, 水彩画纸, 与其他绘画工具

工作坊流程: 示范环节, 绘画环节, 讨论和问答环节

NEW YORK – Fou Gallery is pleased to host a Plein Air Watercolor Workshop on Saturday, October 9th. Free to the public, this creative event will be guided by artist Michael Eade. 

Participants will observe the luxuriant plants in Fou Gallery’s garden, focus on the beauty of natural colors and forms, and create plein air drawings and watercolors of their favorite plant under Eade’s guidance.

Artist Michael Eade is known for his elaborate egg tempera paintings and his appreciation of nature. He also uses watercolor studies as a valuable "tool." when composing his egg tempera paintings. When Eade is inspired, he starts a watercolor in order to capture his first observation of landscapes and plants — the growth of leaves, the blooming of flowers, and the posture of branches growing in nature — whenever and wherever he encounters them. Besides being “a tool”, Eade also regards the significance of his watercolor sketches as “studies”. He takes down useful elements by watercolor sketches when he does research for his creations, and finally uses many of them as references for his tempera paintings. Through this creative process, Eade has mastered watercolor as an important artistic medium. 

During the workshop, Eade will provide both collective and one-to-one instruction open to all abilities. All participants will meet at Fou Gallery and do the plein air drawings and watercolors outdoors from 12 pm-6 pm. The first floor of Fou Gallery will also be available as a workspace where participants can take their chosen plant and drawing tools too. Participants are encouraged to bring their own plein air supplies (watercolor brushes, pencils, sketching pads, watercolor paper, and other watercolor art supplies). In order to ensure accessibility for those who are unable to procure their own supplies, Eade will provide the basics from his own studio materials, and/or purchase inexpensive watercolor sets that people can share. At the end of the painting session, Eade will lead a critical discussion of the works created by the participants. 

*This project is supported by the City Artists Corps Grants program of NYFA

Michael Eade, Wild Apples Under Full Moon, 2012. Egg tempera on Rives BFK paper, 30 x 22.5 inches ©Michael Eade, courtesy of Fou Gallery

Michael Eade, Wild Apples Under Full Moon, 2012. Egg tempera on Rives BFK paper, 30 x 22.5 inches ©Michael Eade, courtesy of Fou Gallery


艺术家迈克尔·伊德(Michael Eade)以他精美的蛋彩画和对自然的欣赏而被大众所熟知。在创作蛋彩画的过程中,他把水彩写生作为一种有价值的“工具”。无论何时何地,每当他受到启发,他都会使用水彩写生这种更方便携带与简易操作的方式,去捕捉他对自然和植物的观察——树叶的经纹脉络,花朵的肆意绽放,以及枯树枝在自然风化后的姿势。除了作为“工具”,迈克尔·艾德(Michael Eade)还将他的水彩写生的意义视为“研究”。他在创作前期,会以水彩写生的形式将创作研究过程中有用的素材画下来,并最终将这些元素作为蛋彩画创作参考。通过这个创作过程,迈克尔·伊德将水彩作为他的重要艺术媒介不断锤炼。

此活动对绘画基础没有要求,对所有不同水平的绘画爱好者开放。在活动期间,迈克尔·伊德将提供集体与一对一相结合的指导方式。参加者将于否画廊集合,由中午12点至下午6点在否画廊的户外花园进行水彩写生创作。此外,否画廊的一楼入口处花园也将作为其中一个工作区,参加者可以将挑选的植物与写生工具带至此处。参加者请自备水彩画笔, 铅笔, 画板/素描本,水彩画纸,与其他绘画工具。如无法购买用品,可提前联系否画廊,迈克尔·伊德将会从他自己的工作室带来基本的绘画工具,供大家分享使用。在活动的最后,迈克尔·伊德将会对参加者的作品进行点评并组织讨论。


*本展览已获得NYFA的City Artists Corps Grants支持

Michael Eade, Nurse Log Plant Study, no. 1, 2017. Watercolor and graphite on Rives BFK paper, 11 x 22.5 inches  ©Michael Eade, courtesy of Fou Gallery

Michael Eade, Nurse Log Plant Study, no. 1, 2017. Watercolor and graphite on Rives BFK paper, 11 x 22.5 inches  ©Michael Eade, courtesy of Fou Gallery


ARTIST - MICHAEL EADE (b. 1957, Portland, Oregon)

Received a BA from Oregon State University and did further studies at the Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenen Kunste, Stuttgart (studying egg tempera painting techniques), and New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts (studying film and computer animation techniques). He has received many honors including a residency at the Hermitage Artists’ Retreat, a studio membership at the Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, and fellowships from the Robert Blackburn Printmaking Workshop, the National Academy Museum, and School of the Fine Arts, Artists’ Fellowship Inc., and Aljira. Eade’s work appears in public and corporate collections including the Harvard Business School, HERMÈS, AT&T, the Library of Congress Permanent Collection, and many private collections. In 2017, Michael Eade had his first solo exhibition at Fou Gallery (New York) - Realms of the Soil.

艺术家:迈克尔·伊德 (b. 1957, 美国俄勒冈州波特兰) 


Rhododendron. Photo provided by Michael Eade

Rhododendron. Photo provided by Michael Eade

Stump and Painting. Photo provided by Michael Eade

Stump and Painting. Photo provided by Michael Eade


Event photos 活动照片