UNTITLEDdialogue 15 未命题对话:我们这一代 My Generation


Time: May 9, 2014 (Friday), 18:30-20:00 

时间:2016年5月9日,星期五,6:30-8:00 pm

Location: Einstein Auditorium, Barney Building, New York University, 34 Stuyvesant Street, New York, 10003 


Guest Speaker: Barbara Pollack

分享人:芭芭拉•波拉克 (Barbara Pollack) 

Press contact: Ding Ning (1.347.326.1580, fougallery@gmail.com)

媒体联络人 :丁宁 (1.347.326.1580, pr@fougallery.com)

TicketOpen to public with free admission, suggested donation: $5



Fou Gallery is pleased to announce that on May 9th, 2014 (Friday) 18:30-20:00, the 15th UNTITLEDdialogue will invite art critic and curator Barbara Pollack to talk about her curatorial concept and details about the upcoming summer exhibition--My Generation. My Generation,co-presented by Tampa Museum of Art and the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, will feature 27 young artists from Mainland, China, providing a collective dialogue on Chinese emerging art. The project gains support from NYU Department of Art and Art Professions/ Steinhard, and professor Gerald Pryor. 

After the end of the Cultural Revolution, a new generation of artists was born who, unlike their predecessors, pay less attention to political issues and reject the notion of a Chinese identity. This new generation grew up with the Open Door policy and the rapid development of industrialization and globalization. Pollack, who has been writing about Chinese contemporary art for several US art magazines since the late 1990s, began to focus on these young avant-garde artists three years ago after the publication of her book, The Wild, Wild East: An American Art Critic's Adventures in China, an incisive survey of the booming Chinese art market.

As a blind spot in Chinese contemporary art history and often misinterpreted and misunderstood, this new generation of Chinese artists needs broader exposure. My Generation will display over 50 works by 27 artists who were born after 197 and come from every region in China. Designed as a traveling show, this exhibition will occupy over 1000 square meters in two museums. My generation aims to highlight the unique qualities of Chinese emerging art and focus on several themes, including the generation gap, urbanization, political pessimism, and individuality. When many westerners still look upon Cultural Revolution-style works as the mainstream Chinese contemporary art, My Generation will express exactly what is going on in China and offer audience a deeper understanding of China. 

About Exhibition

My Generation: Young Chinese Artists, Tampa Museum of Art and The Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, United States, June 7–September 28, 2014.  For more information: http://tampamuseum.org/exhibition/generation/ 

About the Speaker

Barbara Pollack  Art critic and Curator based in New York. Pollack's interest in China goes back to the late 1990s when she published groundbreaking articles on the Chinese art in Artnews, The Village Voice and Art & Auction. Since then, she has written about the Chinese art scene for Vanity Fair, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Art in America, Modern Painters, and Departures. Based on her extensive research in this field, Pollack received a grant from Asian Cultural Council in 2006 and the prestigious Creative Capital/Warhol Foundation arts writers grant in 2008. She is also the author of The Wild, Wild East: An American Art Critic's Adventures in China, published May 2010 by Timezone 8 Books. 


否画廊荣幸地宣布,我们将于2014年5月9日(星期五)6:30-8:00pm,举行第15期未命题对话。2014 年夏天,美国佛罗里达州坦帕美术馆与圣彼得堡美术馆将联合举办名为“我们这一代(My Generation)”的中国年轻艺术家联展,这是一次中国当代新兴艺术的集体对话。本次活动我们 将邀请策展人之一,艺术评论家芭芭拉·波拉克(Barbara Pollack)介绍本次展览的策展理念,对27位参展艺术家的作品语言进行梳理,展开对于中国当代年轻艺术家及相关话题的深入讨论。本次活动获得了纽约大学艺术学院(Steinhard)教授 Gerald Pryor 的大力支持。

文革结束后,中国新一代的艺术家开始萌芽成长。不同于前辈艺术家,他们中的绝大多数并未对 旧有的政治话题进行过度关注与阐释。伴随着文革符号的渐渐消隐,他们这一代在过去的二十年经历的是急剧膨胀的工业化与全球化发展。展览策划人芭芭拉·波拉克为美国艺术杂志撰写中国当代艺术评论长达数十年,并从三年前开始关注中国新兴艺术家。

行走中国,让 Barbara 真实而深刻地感知到一系列独特而又极具时代意义的艺术话语模式,也使她于2010年出版了对中国艺术市场热潮的观察评论著作《狂野的东方:一个美国艺术评论家的探险故事》 (The Wild, Wild East: An American Art Critic's Adventures in China)。在为《艺术 新闻》撰写的《YCA 一代的崛起》一文中,她提到:“围绕着中国的 YCA(Young Chinese Artists) 一代有一些成见。他们通常被称为‘小皇帝’ 他们是‘计划生育’和八九十年代经济发展的结 果——游离、特权、不关心政治以及自恋。但是,通过过去三年中与年轻艺术家们的接触,我发现他们绝对不是被宠坏或者疏离的一代。相反,他们的视野是全球性的,在材料的运用中充满创 造性。他们正在发展出中国艺术的新词汇,我将其称为超越国家界限崇尚个人表达的‘后中国人’ (post-Chinese)。”作为当代艺术史的一个盲点,甚至被误解的群体,芭芭拉认为中国这一代亟待被看见。由是,展览应运而生。“我们这一代”一共选取了27位中国年轻艺术家,他们都生于1976年之后。超过50件作品覆盖了所有媒介,展览总占地1000平方米,最大的空间位于坦帕湾。 此外,展览将着力呈现中国新兴艺术的孵化背景与鲜明特征,诸如代际冲突、城市化进程,对政治环境的悲观主义,个人洞察力的表达等。在西方观念仍把文革题材当作中国当代艺术代名词之时,“我们这一代”将更直接地投射中国进行时的景观,打破旧有艺术市场的边界,帮助观众深入了解报纸标题以外的东方。  




2014.6.7-9.28. 更多信息请见: http://tampamuseum.org/traveling-exhibitions/ 



芭芭拉•波拉克(Barbara Pollack) 艺术评论家、策展人,工作和生活在纽约。从1997年起,她 开始研究撰写中国当代艺术,文章发表于《艺术新闻》、《乡村之声》、《艺术与拍卖》、《名利场》、 《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》、《美国艺术》、《现代画家》、《Time Out New York》等媒体。基于 芭芭拉在中国当代艺术方面的研究贡献,她于2006年获得亚洲文化委员会基金奖励,并于2008 年获得创新投资及沃霍尔基金会的奖励。2010年5月,她出版了著作《狂野的东方:一个美国艺 术评论家的探险故事》。