Spring Exhibition Tour and Dessert Tasting Party


Time | 时间:2017. 3. 4, 3:00–6:00pm

Location | 地点:Fou Gallery,  410 Jefferson Avenue, #1, Brooklyn, NY, 11221 否画廊, 纽约布鲁克林区Jefferson大道410号#1

Ticket | 费用: $30 (online RSVP,  limit to 30 people 线上预约,  限定30人) 

Fou Gallery is delighted to invite you to join our Spring Exhibition Tour and Dessert Tasting Party on Saturday, March 4, 2017. In this event, you will walk through Fou Gallery’s new exhibition Renqian Yang: Complementary Colors. Meanwhile, Your will have a chance to enjoy a sophisticated sweet journey with pastry chef Yuezhou Zhu. At the event, Ms. Zhu will present a three-course dessert and refreshment menu with special drinks inspired by the theme of the exhibition - complementary color, creating a flavorful, fresh and amazingly touching experience as a whole.

About the Chef:

Yuezhou Zhu graduated from Peking University. After gained B.A. in School of International Studies, she came to United States to study at one of the premiere culinary schools in the world—The Culinary Institute of America, Baking & Pastry program. After training in Castle Hotel & Spa,Tarrytown for a long time, she moved to New Haven, developing her career in Union League Cafe as a pastry chef.

“微雨众卉新,一雷惊蛰始。田家几日闲,耕种从此起。” 2017年惊蛰之日,否画廊盛情邀请您加入我们的“春日之约”艺术导览暨下午茶品鉴会。活动参加者将欣赏新展《杨人倩:对比》并品尝由专业烘培师朱越洲根据展览主题互补色特别制作的三道创意餐点以及春日特调饮品,感受富于变化的甜蜜滋味,尽享充满感动的味觉之旅。


朱越洲毕业于北京大学国际关系学院,后到美国烹饪最高学府 The Culinary Institute of America餐饮及甜点专业深造,曾效力于Castle Hotel & SPA (Tarrytown)。现担任传统法餐厅Union League Cafe (New Haven)甜点师。

Chocolate Chiffon Cake with Raspberry 巧克力覆盆子戚风蛋糕

Chocolate Chiffon Cake with Raspberry 巧克力覆盆子戚风蛋糕

Heirloom Colorful Tomato Salad  西红柿沙拉

Heirloom Colorful Tomato Salad  西红柿沙拉

朱越洲现场制作甜点,摄影:Andrew Shiue 薛惟中 ©2017朱越洲,致谢否画廊

朱越洲现场制作甜点,摄影:Andrew Shiue 薛惟中 ©2017朱越洲,致谢否画廊